Our Public Enemy: Potholes

What do you do when you hit a pothole? Yep! Basically, say “oh great, there goes my alignment or my suspension.” We become more cautious when we know that the roads are engulfed with potholes, but sometimes that’s not enough to avoid them. Potholes crop up like annoying weeds and you just don’t know where they will be next. When moisture from the snow melting or rain soaks below the road it will erode the dirt beneath the road leading to the asphalt cracking or giving way. Also, moisture under the road when heated or frozen will contract or expand causing strain on the asphalt leading it to fail. Trucks and vehicles only add stress to the already fragile asphalt resulting in it to collapse. Our Buffalo weather certainly creates just the right ingredients for the creation of these potholes. Whether we like it or not, we will soon have to deal with these then. Sometimes we hit these holes in the ground because they catch us off guard or we just don’t maneuver out of the pothole’s path fast enough. I think that we can all agree that potholes are not just annoying, but costly. They can cause serious damage to our rims, tires, shocks, struts, tie rods, wheel bearings, axle shafts, and much more. If you think you have damage to your car from a pothole then have it checked out by Basil Resale Sheridan immediately. Pothole damage will only increase with time if not checked out. The best solutions to cope with potholes are to exercise vigilance for these deep grooves in the road and to make mental maps of the locations of potholes that you see so you can avoid them. As well, we can also report the potholes to the city of Buffalo so the city can repair them within 48 hours.

Basil Resale Sheridan has many used cars that are ready for whatever potholes that crop up. All our cars go through a 101 point inspection, so you should feel confident driving on the road against our public enemy: potholes.

Kristen Prenatt

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