Must Needed Car Features

Wouldn’t it be nice to drive a vehicle with every feature that you want for an affordable price? I know that you are shaking your head yes. Sometimes we can’t get that car that we want with all the features and accessories that we desire. Cars that are new and customized can be really expensive and not within our budget. However, adding features to our car is more realistic and it is relatively easy to do. Naturally, we all want to have the coolest gadgets and the most convenient accessories in our car. Adding a sun roof to a car will give you the ability to enjoy a cooling breeze on a warm summer day and not to mention, a sun roof looks cool. I know it’s always handy to have remote keyless entry and autostarts to enable us to enter and leave the car faster. I know that I would certainly be lost without these. We don’t always want to be stuck driving in our cars, but sometimes we have to. A good investment would be to add a DVD player or a sound system to the car in order to entertain us on a long drive or keep us occupied if we are stuck in traffic. A GPS and a cell phone holder are a definite must especially in our fast paced world that we live today. Also, it’s always nice to have such luxuries as heated car seats and heated cup holders on our brutally cold winter days. Any of these features that I have discussed can be added for as little as $250 in most places. See I told you that you don’t need to buy an expensive car in order to get such great features! As a matter of fact, you can check out Basilcars at Basil Resale Center because I know that the cars come equipped with some great features.

Basil Resale Sheridan has a large selection of over 300 vehicles to choose from. With this large inventory to select from, you are more than likely to find a car with the features that you are looking for. And if we don't have the features you are looking for, we can certainly find the perfect vehicle for you or even put it in for you!

Kristen Prenatt

Our Public Enemy: Potholes

What do you do when you hit a pothole? Yep! Basically, say “oh great, there goes my alignment or my suspension.” We become more cautious when we know that the roads are engulfed with potholes, but sometimes that’s not enough to avoid them. Potholes crop up like annoying weeds and you just don’t know where they will be next. When moisture from the snow melting or rain soaks below the road it will erode the dirt beneath the road leading to the asphalt cracking or giving way. Also, moisture under the road when heated or frozen will contract or expand causing strain on the asphalt leading it to fail. Trucks and vehicles only add stress to the already fragile asphalt resulting in it to collapse. Our Buffalo weather certainly creates just the right ingredients for the creation of these potholes. Whether we like it or not, we will soon have to deal with these then. Sometimes we hit these holes in the ground because they catch us off guard or we just don’t maneuver out of the pothole’s path fast enough. I think that we can all agree that potholes are not just annoying, but costly. They can cause serious damage to our rims, tires, shocks, struts, tie rods, wheel bearings, axle shafts, and much more. If you think you have damage to your car from a pothole then have it checked out by Basil Resale Sheridan immediately. Pothole damage will only increase with time if not checked out. The best solutions to cope with potholes are to exercise vigilance for these deep grooves in the road and to make mental maps of the locations of potholes that you see so you can avoid them. As well, we can also report the potholes to the city of Buffalo so the city can repair them within 48 hours.

Basil Resale Sheridan has many used cars that are ready for whatever potholes that crop up. All our cars go through a 101 point inspection, so you should feel confident driving on the road against our public enemy: potholes.

Kristen Prenatt

We Got A Situation This Halloween

What are you going to be for Halloween? This is the biggest question we are asking ourselves as we get closer to October 31st. You want a unique costume choice, but you don’t want to wear a costume that no one understands. My suggestion is to avoid costumes that only you are familiar with. The most popular costume themes every Halloween are characters from movies/television and celebrities. One of the most popular television shows this year is the Jersey Shore. The fun personalities of the cast make them ideal for costumes; such Mike The Situation, Snooki, and DJ Pauly D. The costume craze is not just focused on television shows, but also popular movies. There are several costumes that have been generated from the movie Twilight. I foresee that there will be a lot of Jacobs, Bellas, and Edwards on the prowl. Characters from the movies Alice in Wonderland and Avatar will also grace us with their presence this Halloween. The costumes from these movies will definitely provide you with that element of creativity if that is what you are looking for. And, yep, don’t be surprised if you see Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga walking around; these costumes are in high demand as well. This year, you are definitely guaranteed a large selection to choose from. Just make sure you get your costume soon because all the best costumes will sure to be gone.

Basil Resale Sheridan wishes everyone a safe and Happy Halloween. Costume stores are not the only places guaranteeing a large selection of inventory; Basil Resale Center guarantees a large selection of used cars inventory that will help you find that car that you have been searching for. A large inventory is not all that Basil Resale is offering; the Basil difference and a lot of ways to finance, which will ensure you an effortless car search.

Kristen Prenatt

Study Tips for College Midterms

I know. I am getting that sinking feeling too. Head spinning, stomach churning, difficulty breathing, and tightening of the chest; we can’t avoid it much longer. Midterms are upon us. I dread saying that word and I know you dislike hearing me say that word, but the sooner we start preparing, then the better off we will be. I understand. I feel your pain. I am overwhelmed with all my assignments and projects just like you. But with everything we have going on, study tips can help reduce the amount of time we study and actually help us retain the information better. Whether you go to the University at Buffalo, Canisius College, Erie Community College, Daemen College, Niagara University or any other college, keep these helpful tips in mind:
1. It is best to read over the notes that you just took that day for better retention of the notes
2. Use Mnemonic devices to help memorize lists and definitions faster
3. Using flashcards will help you memorize vocabulary quicker and help you quiz yourself if you aren’t studying with someone
4. Set time objectives so it forces you to focus and not “drift” while studying
5. Take short breaks frequently while you are studying to allow your brain to process the material. You don’t want to suffer from overload!
6. Make sure that you don’t study all your notes the night before the test
7. Study in a quiet place with few distractions
8. Highlight important concepts and definitions to help you focus more on the important materials
9. If you study with a group, make sure that your group members are there to study and will focus
10. Don’t stress yourself out, be relaxed when you study so your brain can absorb the notes better

Basil Resale Sheridan wishes you good luck on your midterms and hopes that these study tips will help you be successful on your exams. Basil not only will help you prepare for your midterm, but also Basil will help you find that car that you have been looking for. With over 200 reliable used cars to choose from, there is no reason you can’t be successful on your car search.

Kristen Prenatt

Halloween Safety Tips

“Trick or Treat!” I can already hear the trick or treaters at my front door now, anxiously ringing the doorbell. I’m sure many of you will be accompanying your little one trick or treating. Yes, Halloween has arrived again this year; a night of excitement, haunted houses, ghosts, monsters, vampires, and of course, trick or treating await you. But before you head out the door, here are some safety tips to keep in mind to help make your trick or treating experience fun and not scary.
1. Instruct your child to never go into a strangers house or a strangers car
2. If your child is old enough to go by himself/herself, then make sure that he/she goes in a group and has a cell phone.
3. It’s important to plan a safe route to take your little one trick or treating
4. Ensure your child doesn’t eat any candy before you check it
5. Direct your children to look both ways before crossing the street
6. Make sure cars come to a complete stop before crossing the street
7. The costumes should be short enough so your child doesn’t stumble
8. Make sure costume accessories such as knives and swords should be soft and flexible
9. Make certain your child carries a flashlight or reflective material on their costume so they are visible to drivers
10. Instruct your child to walk not run to prevent any accidents

Basil Resale Sheridan wants to wish everyone a safe and Happy Halloween. If you are looking for a car, stop by. Basil promises that your visit won’t be filled with tricks, but many treats!

Kristen Prenatt

Buffalo Sabres Home Opener

Crisp chill in the air, scent of popcorn and cheesy nachos permeating the nostrils, blue and yellow colors drape the crowd, whistling and screaming grow in strength as the excitement builds. Are you ready? I know I am. Saturday is the much anticipated Sabres home opener against the New York Rangers and I can’t wait. According to Lindy Ruff, the main goal of the Sabres is to win the Stanley Cup. From what I have seen, the Sabres pre-season performance has only added to my anticipation. Our veteran players, Rob Niedermeyer, Jochen Hecht, and Mike Grier will play vital roles on our team considering our team is relatively young. This team has something special that a Buffalo team hasn’t had in years; Ryan Miller, arguably the best goalie in the league. Our veteran players, Ryan Miller, new additions to our team and the drive to win put us well on our way to winning the Stanley Cup! The Sabres are a stronger team this year and I think the rest of the NHL can sense that. The Sabres are ready! I know you as well as I will be cheering the Sabres on this Saturday. My advice to you is to be ready to cheer because I have a feeling that’s all we will be doing. Go Sabres!

Basil Resale Sheridan will also be cheering on the Sabres this Saturday. If you are looking for a car, you should stop by Basil Resale Sheridan. We have over 200 used cars to choose from where you are bound to find the car that you have been looking for!

Kristen Prenatt

Texting While Driving

“Ding!” That sounds like a text message. Instantly, you read the text message and text back while you are driving. Why is it that most people can’t resist texting while driving? Is it because we can’t resist the curiosity of who texted us? Is it that we are trying to multi-task in this fast paced world? Is it because we are bored? Regardless of the reason, cell phone use behind the wheel accounts for 16 million car crashes a year and results in nearly 6,000 deaths a year according to the National Safety Council. To combat this issue, New York State implemented a texting while driving ban. However, studies have shown that the texting ban imposed is not effectively decreasing the number of car crashes, but is actually increasing the number of car accidents. Why is this not a surprise? Well, it’s obvious that people are continuing to text because they can easily get away with it. The police aren’t able to stop many people from texting because many people will text below the steering wheel to avoid being detected. Texting while driving can be equated with drinking and driving. Hard to believe? Well in both cases, you are not in full control of the car and pose a threat to everyone on the road. Maybe with this different perspective, we will think twice before we pick up our cell phone while driving when we hear that “ding.”

Basil Resale Sheridan wants you to be focused and safe on the road. If you are in need of a reliable car, Basil has over 300 used vehicles to choose from. Also, Basil has has many ways to finance and has the Basil difference to ensure that you will have an effortless car search.

Kristen Prenatt

Road Rage

Heart pumping, veins bulging, blood pressure rising, fists clentched, yelling insults through your closed windows; another driver has just cut you off in heavy traffic. Have you ever experienced road rage? If you answered no, then you might be in denial like I was. Road rage is when a driver becomes enraged and commits aggressive acts toward another driver such as: rude gestures, accelerating, quick lane changes, physical attacks, violent honking, making threats, screaming, and swearing. I didn’t believe that I was a road rage driver until I was stuck in traffic behind someone driving 10 miles below the speed limit and I violently switched lanes to get around that person. I might have even swore once or twice. But who doesn’t right? I realize now that I, along with many other people, let the anger takeover because of stress, running late, driving behind an unexperienced driver, and driving in heavy traffic. Road rage has even become so common that it has been diagnosed as a mental disorder called intermittent explosive disorder.

Any driver can be affected by road rage. It is said to affect approximately 16 million Americans and is increasing by 7% each year. Stop denying that you may take part in the road rage phenomenon and start coping with it. Here are some tips to help keep the road rage away:

1. Allow yourself extra time to get to your destination so you aren’t in a rush.
2. If you start to feel angry at another driver, take deep breaths. If you can’t reduce the anger, pull over until the anger subsides.
3. Don’t drive when you are extremely stressed or emotional.
4. Make sure that you get enough sleep so that you aren’t cranky.
5. Listening to relaxing music will help keep the blood pressure low and you calm.
6. Drive in a car that is reliable and can get you where you want to go without any issues.

Basil Resale Sheridan wants to help you cope with your road rage. With over 200 reliable used cars and trucks to choose from that go through a 101 point inspection, Basil will have you driving in tranquility.

Kristen Prenatt

Shopping Spree

School is right around the corner. Are you ready for it? I know that I’m not ready at all. With all the things I need to get like need to get books, clothes, new T.V., computer, stereo and so many other things I can’t even remember. I don’t know about you but I’d like to do it all at one stop.

My friend told me about the Walden Galleria and I gave it a look. It has almost anything you need. It is one of the biggest malls I have ever been to. It has everything. And I mean everything. It was overwhelming but in a good way, like I wanted to see all the stores but I didn’t know where to start.

I saw it has everything from clothes to electronics, jewelry, and an enormous movie theater. With stores like JCPenny, Macy’s, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Best buy, The Apple Store, Game Stop, Lord & Taylor, and countless other stores, you can find anything you need for the upcoming year. And a food court which is as diverse as the stores surrounding it. I could also take a date there for a romantic dinner. It has fancy upscale restaurants like P.F. Chang’s, Cheesecake Factory, or The Melting Pot. But those restaurants are a little out of my price range, especially since back to school shopping is always the most expensive event of the year for me. I saw that this is one place where I can get everything I need in one stop.

When I go back to school I want to have the cool and nice brands that everyone knows but I don’t have that kind of money. AND I will need a new car for this fall semester. Between the salt, snow, ice, and hail I need to trade it in for a truck that can handle western NY.

So if you are looking for a car, we have over 200 cars and trucks you can choose from. There are trucks that can handle these Buffalo winters or high MPG cars for the eco friendly and money saving driver. You can get all your shopping done in one stop and not have to spend a dime of your own money. Come in and look at the great and affordable cars we have to offer!

David Sarubbi


I’ve only been fishing a few times but it is definitely something I want to do more often. Every Monday morning I hear the salesmen talking about their trips and what a blast it was. They say there is nothing like sitting on Lake Erie with a cold beer and good friends. The summers are short but perfect for weekend fishing trips. Especially since all you have to do is take a quick drive down the thruway.

Some people think that fishing is a boring and an unexciting sport. It’s the exact opposite. There are tons of ways to enjoy it. I like to go with friends. We drive about an hour away to Fredonia to my friend’s beach house and get on his motor boat. We bring food and drinks so we never have to leave the lake. We bring the tube out so after we caught enough fish we can go tubing on the lake. In my opinion it’s the perfect weekend get away.

Fishing is great but like other activities, the equipment can be cumbersome and difficult to manage when we try to pack it in the car. The right car can make all the difference. We take weekend trips so we need to pack a lot of items, fishing gear, clothes, food, drinks, and other miscellaneous belongings. I know that having a car or truck which is built to handle trips and lots of baggage is a necessity.

Here at Basil Resale Sheridan you can find the perfect car for your fishing trip or any type of trip. We have a great selection of pick up trucks and SUV’s for your trips. We have over 200 used cars on our lot so there is something for everyone. Every car or truck here at Basil Resale Sheridan has passed a 101 point inspection to ensure our high quality standards and to ensure reliability and your safety. You will get a great warranty with your purchase, 6 month/ 6,000 mile warranty and free oil changes for life. We have a free shuttle service available to you also. Come by and see the largest inventory of used cars and trucks in Western Ny.

David Sarubbi

Driving Around Campus

Your son or daughter just got into college. It’s going to cost you upwards from $40,000 a year and you need to find them a graduation gift. You want to find something functional and practical. And at $40,000 dollars a year, something cheap would be ideal.

It may not be in your fiscal interest to get a new car which is equivalent to an entire year of college. So, why not a used car? I mean does your college bound son or daughter want to be seen around campus in a new minivan $30,000 or a Mazda6, Mitsubishi Eclipse, or a Scion tC for a fraction of the cost? There are hundreds of used cars at Basil Resale Sheridan that you can choose from.

If you are looking for fuel efficient car so your child can save money on gas, I recommend a used Ford Focus which gets 34 MPG on the highway! You will save money on the purchase and they will save money at the pumps. While it is a small car, they will still be able to fit all their belongings when they go to move into their dorm room, I speak from experience.

Now you know what you are looking for, but where are you going to find it? Basil Resale Sheridan has the largest used car inventory in western New York (WNY). We have anything your college son or daughter is looking for, from small sleek sports cars to large, fierce SUV’s. Basil Resale Sheridan has it all! We also have great ways to finance your vehicle from $99 a month for well qualified individuals to special financing for credit challenged individuals. Come on down to Basil Resale Sheridan and find your graduate a perfect graduation present.

David Sarubbi

Western NY Cars

What is your perfect car? We at Basil Resale Sheridan want to know. Since we are the #1 used car dealer in Western New York (wny), we have the widest selection in Buffalo. We have cars that specialize in fuel efficiency or if you are looking for SUV’s we have that too! Also, we have plenty of models with low mileage. All of the cars on our lot have passed a rigorous 101 point inspection to ensure durability and reliability. Every car comes with the “BASIL DIFFERENCE.” This warranty covers your Basil Resale Sheridan vehicle for 6 months/ 6,000 miles. You will also get free oil changes for life with this car. There is a big difference between cheap and affordable. Our cars are affordable and definitely not cheap. Come in and see for yourself, the best car dealership in Buffalo, Ny.

Dave Sarubbi

Festival Filled Weekend

Here at the office, Basil Resale Sheridan, there was a debate on what to do this weekend. I had no idea there was so much to do in the summers here in Buffalo. Other than just places to see, there fun-filled cultural historical festivals that have been going on for over 50 years.

First, there is Old Home Days right here in Williamsville. The goal is to celebrate this gorgeous historical town. It’s about a 15 minute drive from Basil Resale Center on Sheridan Drive. It will be filled with live music, great food, carnival rides, booths, games and tons of activities. Saturday is the last day so make sure to bring the whole family.

I hear one of the biggest events this weekend is the Italian festival. It’s taking place on Hertel Ave. If you love Italian food or practicing your Italian like me, then this weekend annual event is for you. There will be local entertainment, bocce tournament, Miss Italian Festival, Italian Idol Contest, essay contest for scholarships, computers for genealogical research, Italian bilingual Mass and religious processions, and live cooking demonstrations. This is a great outdoor festival has something for the whole family, with and amusement park and crafts just for kids.

Or if you are German or Austrian, there is a festival called Waldfest. It takes place outside in the woods of Cheektowaga. It started in 1938 and has been going every summer since. It is another great way to enjoy the upcoming weekend. It takes place Sunday and will consist of drinking, partying, dancing, eating, and having a great time. 4,000 people have come out to enjoy the festivities in the past, so it’s no small get together.

These ethnic events will make for a perfect cultural weekend. There will be plenty to do, eat, and drink. If you want to turn some heads at the festivals, be sure to come into Basil Resale Sheridan to find your perfect car.

Summer Getaways!

Summer is finally here! It’s time to grab the family and hit some vacation hot spots. But where is the best place to take your family and friends? I recommend a nice beach get away on Lake Erie.

To get away from it all, get down to the shores of southwestern NY. The location makes it an ideal travel spot since you don’t have to deal with the hassle of an airplane or a long drive. You will find that the peace, quiet, and beauty of this beach will keep you coming back with friends and family! My experiences out there have been nothing but positive. It is perfect for kayaking and jet-skiing. You can also go tanning on the beach or set up a net and play some volleyball.
The drive down the I-90 is scenic ride through a beautiful western NY landscape. It is definitely a change of pace from the crowded city of Buffalo. AND it’s only an hour away from the city!

Basil Resale Sheridan has a great selection of cars perfect for this trip. For the large family, we have a nice selection of large vehicles or minivans for the family or if you want to tow a boat or jet-ski out, we have the perfect SUV or truck for that too. Next time you are planning a road trip, come into Basil Resale Sheridan to see what car or truck is the perfect fit.

By David Sarubbi

Fuel of the future

I am sick and tired of the price of gasoline. And on top of the high prices, I am filling up my tank every other day. I work too hard for my wallet to be this light.

If I was able to build my perfect car, it would be focused around fuel efficiency and fuel type. Electricity combines these two elements and makes for a great source of energy for a car. A new model called the Telsa gets 245 miles for every full battery charge. Compared to most cars and almost all SUV’s, the mileage the Telsa gets is a big improvement over conventional vehicles.

The cost of recharging your car would be much cheaper than refilling it. It would increase your electric bill but couldn’t compare to what would be saved on gas. And not to mention the convenience! In addition, using electricity will be more convenient. Rather than going to a gas station to refuel your car, you can plug it in between uses or at home while you sleep.

Even if a lower gas bill can’t change your mind other benefits include tax breaks, great acceleration, environmentally friendly, and lowered maintenance costs.
The electric car is growing in popularity and is the future of the fuel industry.

However, it will take some time before the electric car catches on. Until then, there are plenty of gas efficient cars around. I am always checking the window stickers to see the MPG on each car. Out of all the lots I have walked through, Basil Resale Sheridan has one of the top selections of energy efficient cars around.

Stop by Basil Resale Sheridan soon!

By David Sarubbi

Quiz to Help you Find your Perfect Car

Everyone loves those quizes you can take on Myspace, Facebook etc, so why not take one to see what car is perfect for you? I did and here are my results

The car it said I should get is a Toyota Prius. It’s resourceful, quirky, ecologically friendly, and economical. It’s a smart way to get around.

Its a simple, short 5 question multiple choice quiz. You can easily do this in 1 minute. Will this actually help? I don't know I guess that's up to you. But if your stuck on what kind of car you should get, maybe this will give you an idea of where to start.
The link is

If you find out the perfect car you want, check out Basil's large selection of inventory and get the right car for you today!

Courtney Walczak

How to Choose the Right Car for You

I know when I was looking to buy a new car; I didn’t even know where to start. I liked so many different makes and models of cars that it was difficult to find a starting point. First I only looked at cars that I could afford, if it was out of my price range then there’s no sense in wasting time checking it out. Then I looked at all the makes & models of cars I liked and started to narrow it down. Then I went to the actually website’s of the models I liked and did more research. I also checked out dealership websites to see what was out there and if there were any deals. It was a long process but I narrowed it down to 4 cars (some might think that’s still a lot, but I started out with over 10 cars in mind). I went to the dealerships in person and compared prices, styles, features etc. I was in a rush to find a car, so if they didn’t have what I was looking for, then we were gone. I am not really that picky when it comes to cars. All I needed was a CD player, auxiliary power outlet, power windows, and DARK interior. Finally I narrowed it down to a Mazda 3. It had everything I wanted (that I listed above), and now that’s what I have. It took about a month to finally narrow it down to a Mazda 3, but if you really want to find the perfect car for you, it does take time. You can’t get discouraged; you just have to keep looking. Enough about what I think here are some facts.

Think about what you use your car for. Here are some questions to keep in mind. How many people do you need to transport? What type of driving do you do most often? How long is your commute? Is it important that your next vehicle get good gas mileage Let your needs, not your wants, drive your decision? Here are a few other questions to keep in mind when you begin your car-buying process:

Do you want a manual or automatic transmission?
Do you really need four-wheel drive? Or all-wheel drive?
What safety features do you want?
Do you require a lot of cargo capacity?
Will you be doing any towing?
Do you have a bad back and need flexible seating positions?
Will the car easily fit in your garage or parking space?

Regardless of whether you decide to buy or lease your next car, establishing a realistic monthly payment that fits into your budget is crucial. How much should this be? A rule of thumb is your total monthly car payments shouldn't exceed 20 percent of your monthly take-home pay.

Want to know if you can get pre-approved? On Basil Resale you can get pre-approved in seconds! Or you can check the Affordability Calculator to help you estimate what your monthly payment will be based on purchase price, down payment, interest rate and length of loan. Run the numbers now and print out the results. It will not only show you what you can afford, it will also help you control the numbers when you negotiate with a car salesman.

If you’re stuck on what make and model of vehicle you should get don’t worry! On Basil’s website you can look at many different cars by a certain make, or you can look at different cars in the same class. This can help you to compare different cars and find the best car for you. You can find all that on most dealership websites. Or you can research cars on the makes website such as where you can look at many different types of Mazda’s out there. You can check out Kelley Blue Book to see reviews, prices, seating capacity, gas mileage etc. Other websites that are good to check out are and The list goes on from here. You can probably use any major search engine and find out about any type of car you’re interested in.

Make sure when you’re looking for your perfect car that you know what you want. For example if you want a car that has high safety rankings or good on gas etc. Remember there is a car out there for everyone! If you really want to find a car with all the features you want I’m sure it’s out there! Sometimes you might have to compromise but you’ll still get the most of what you want.

Courtney Walczak

Just got into a car accident? Don’t Panic!

There are more than 6 million car accidents each year in the United States, so you are not alone. Take a deep breath and look around. If you are able to see that you are not seriously wounded, follow this simple procedure that is vital to making your case for the accident report and for insurance purposes.

1)1st pull the car off the road so as not to cause any further accidents.
2)Assess injury for yourself and for the driver of the other vehicle.
3)Call 911 for anyone who is injured or just to file a report.
4)Make sure both parties exchange information such as name, address, phone number, insurance policy number, driver license number, and license plate number. Do not mention that the accident was your fault even if you feel as it was your fault. It is up to the police to determine who’s liable.
5)File an accident report with your local police station. An accident report will help insurance companies determine who will pay for the damages. There is a 10 day window to file the report to DMV so file it quickly!
6)TAKE PICTURES. In an age with camera phones make use of them! Photograph the condition of both vehicles and make sure every detail has been taken down. This may help your case. Buy a disposable camera and keep it in your dashboard just in case.
7)If there were witnesses, make sure you take their name down and contact information so they can help you piece together the claim. Contact them afterwards to get a signed statement of what and how it happened.

Finally, you have the option of whether to pursue the claim through the insurance company or settle the damages privately. Regardless of which method you choose, always follow the procedure above to minimize the risk of unfair claims and serious disputes.

At Basil Resale Center, We offer auto repair services at a very reasonable price, and if you encounter a serious accident, come to Basil Resale Sheridan to find the right replacement.

A Simple Guide to a Do-It-Yourself Hand Car Wash

Spring is in...And with summer just around the corner, it’s time to grab a bucket and some squeegees. Basil is going to give you some tips on how to give your car a do-it-yourself hand car wash.

· If you can, park your car out of direct sunlight. This stops premature drying, which can blemish the paint.

· Fill two buckets with plain water. Add your car wash soap to only one of them. The plain water only bucket is for washing the dirt off of you mitt.

· Quickly rinse off your car with a hose (on a light setting) to loosen the dirt. Make sure you get the dirt off the undercarriage too.

· Soak a large mitt or squeegee with the soap-water and begin to wash your car. Start at the top of the car, and work your way around it slowly moving lower each time around. Scrub in a circular motion.

· After each section is washed, rinse it with the hose before moving to the next section.

· Clean the lower body and wheels last; this is where you will find the most dirt. Use a long wheel brush to get into the spokes of your wheels. Use steel wool soap pads on the tires to get rid of any oxidized rubber.

· Dry your car with fresh terry towels. When drying, open all of the doors and clean down the door jams.

Matt Shapiro